Tips to Increase Breast Milk Naturally
Around 10% of women in India suffer from low breast milk production. Unfortunately, the graph is increasing due to an indisciplined lifestyle, unhealthy diet and pregnancy complications.
Lactation is a process that is essential for the survival of all mammals, including humans. It refers to the production of milk and its expulsion from the mammary glands of a female mammal. Lactation is also known as nursing or breastfeeding. The process can be stimulated by hormones, like prolactin and oxytocin, produced by the pituitary gland in response to tactile stimulation of the nipples.
Breastfeeding is recommended for infants because it provides them with all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins and minerals not found in other foods. However, some women find it challenging to produce enough milk due to various factors like illness or stress. In these cases, taking specific steps to improve lactation rates may be necessary.
What foods improve lactation?
Generally speaking, the best foods for lactating mothers are high in protein and calcium. However, it is not just about what you eat but how much food you eat that also affects your breast milk production. Hence it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet with adequate nutrients at every stage of lactation - from pregnancy to breastfeeding to weaning.
The body needs a good supply of nutrients to produce milk with lactation. Therefore, foods rich in the right nutrients can help improve lactation. Some foods improve lactation by increasing prolactin levels and stimulating breast milk production. Other foods are excellent sources of vitamin E, which helps promote healthy skin and has many properties to boost milk production.
So it is not just breastfeeding that matters; diet also plays a significant role in the process.
Many foods can help improve lactation, such as cabbage soup, pickles, soy sauce and ginger tea. The most important thing is to ensure you are eating enough calories, protein and vitamin D.
Some foods that can help with lactation include:
- Dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt and ice cream.
- Foods high in protein such as meat, eggs, beans and nuts.
- Foods high in calcium like broccoli, kale and spinach.
One of the most common food items recommended for lactating mothers is cabbage. It is high in vitamin C and folate, an essential nutrient for all new mothers. Another food that can help with lactation is pumpkin seeds. They contain zinc, which can help with milk production and boost the mother's energy. You can also infuse some plant-based supplements to increase breast milk production. Consult your doctor and try to choose a toxin-free vegan supplement, like andMe's lactation booster. This supplement contains natural breast milk enhancers like Fenugreek and Shatavari. These ingredients stimulate the anterior pituitary to enhance breast milk production, increase longevity, and improve mental function.
What vitamins help increase breast milk?
There are many essential vitamins that a mother needs to take to increase breast milk. One of them is vitamin D. The recommended dosage for pregnant mothers is 600 IU daily. Other vitamins include:
- -Vitamin A
- -Vitamin C
- -Vitamin K
- -Vitamin B3
- -Vitamin B6
- -Vitamin B12
- -Omega-3 fats
The recommended dosages during breastfeeding days are
- -400-800 micrograms of vitamin A
- -5-100 mg of vitamin B3
- -2-5 mg of vitamin B6
- -40-400 mcg of vitaminB12
- -800-3000 IU of vitamin E.
How can I increase my milk supply quickly?
Most of the newbie moms out there must have struggled with this question. Breastfeeding is not always about the baby's health; it also helps reduce breast cancer and postpartum depression.
Basics of breastfeeding:
- -You need to increase your milk supply by increasing your breast milk volume. Breastfeed on demand, both during the day and at night. Breastfeed for at least 10 minutes in each breast every time you feed.
- -If you're breastfeeding more than one baby, try giving each baby 10 minutes in each breast before switching to the next one.
- -If you're bottle-feeding, feed your baby every two hours during the day and every three hours at night. Feed them as much as they want until they're full - never let them stop sucking on the bottle or breastfeeding just because they've fallen asleep or gotten full.
Tips to increase breast milk production:
Drink plenty of water- fluids are crucial for a productive breastmilk supply, so stay hydrated by drinking more water than usual.
Exercise- physical activity is great for health and improvement of a productive supply of breastmilk
Eat healthy fats- healthy fats will help produce more fatty acids, which are necessary for the production of colostrum and breastmilk.
Increase herbs' intake- herbal supplements are safe when used correctly and effectively increase lactation in women who use them. Here are a list of herbs to increase breast milk production:
- -Blessed Thistle
- -Alfalfa
- -Goat’s Rue
- -Shatavari
- -Milk Thistle
Food habits modifications- If possible, cut down on caffeinated drinks, salty foods like chips high in sodium, and msg-containing foods like soy sauce and barbecue sauce.
Include garlic- Garlic is famous for its lactogenic properties that increase breast milk supply almost by 2x. You can chew garlic cloves or mince them to mix in meals.
Fennel- Drinking fennel tea is another miraculous method to increase breast milk production. Add a tsp of fennel in hot water and cover with a lid. Leave it for 5-10 minutes before straining. Repeat this twice a day for at least a month.
Cumin seeds- Mix 1 tsp cumin powder and sugar with warm water and drink before bedtime to boost your breast milk supply.