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It takes time to heal

[article] I remember my childhood filled with a lot of moral storybooks, Jataka tales, Aesops fables. The PeppaPig book series, the Peter and Jane, Julia Donaldson books that my little...

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Ayurvedic Lifestyle: #The10YearChange

Strap: Let’s analyse how people’s attitude has changed towards Ayurveda — knowledge of life in the last 10 years. Ayurveda, with its rich history, pulls in individuals from all around...

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Periods after Pregnancy: Your first period

[article] Introduction: Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in our bodies; the menstrual cycle is also not an exception. After nine months' freedom from cramps and clots, it's normal to...

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यूरिनरी ट्रैक्ट इंफेक्शन के बारे में जो बातें आपको जानना जरूरी है

[article] यूटीआई आपके मूत्र प्रणाली के किसी भी हिस्से में संक्रमण है जो आपके गुर्दे, मूत्रवाहिनी, मूत्राशय और मूत्रमार्ग में होता है। अधिकांश संक्रमणों में निचले मूत्र पथ, मूत्रमार्ग और...

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Cramps during your period: What you should know

One of the most common symptoms faced by women due to menstruation cramps. While in some women, it may begin on or just a day before their period, with others,...

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The Painful Truth About Periods

The cultural taboos/ stigma around the topic of periods alone  has made many women suffer in silence over years. Women have always been told that they should be hush about...

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Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

[article] What is a menstrual cycle? Most of us think that our monthly periods is our menstrual cycle. The periods are just a part of the menstrual cycle, it consist...

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