The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in the throat. It is a small gland weighing around 20 to 60 grams and you cannot feel it when it is in its normal size. This gland produces 2 hormones – T3 or triiodothyronine and T4 or thyroxin collectively called thyroid hormones. This gland uses iodine from the food to produce and secrete these hormones. These hormones are responsible for various functions in the body – regulating energy, weight, skin, and hair health, etc.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive. It does function but it does not perform and secrete the thyroid hormones in enough amounts. The primary function of the thyroid gland is to utilise the energy and provide it to all parts of the body. It is responsible for proper functioning of the digestive system, and even the cardiovascular system.
An individual can get hypothyroidism anytime in their life, but it is most commonly seen in adults and older adults above the age of 60. A mild form of hypothyroidism is termed as subclinical hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism presents with some typical symptoms that are as follows ● Fatigue
● Weight gain and difficulty in losing weight
● Puffy face and dry skin
● Excessive hair thinning
● Digestive complaints
● Impaired memory
● Stress and depression
● Muscle weakness and stiffness
● Muscle and joint pain
Hypothyroidism and weight management
Has it ever happened that you tried everything you could but you are still not losing weight? Weight management is one of the major concerns in individuals suffering from hypothyroidism. The reason is, hypothyroidism brings down metabolism and thus slows down all bodily processes including weight management.
Here are 6 simple ways that can be useful to manage weight in hypothyroidism
1. Diagnosis and treatment –
Hypothyroidism does present with certain symptoms, but blood tests are important to confirm the diagnosis. If the levels are high you are most likely to be put on medications to regulate the levels. It is important to be regular with the medications as directed to get your body to function well. This will help you improve metabolism and in turn help you lose weight.
2. Cut back on excess sugars and simple carbohydrates –
Simple carbohydrates and sugars increase the glycemic load and contribute to the inflammation in the body. Consumption of simple carbohydrates and excess sugars produce proteins called cytokines, these proteins are responsible for inflammation. Switch to a diet which focuses on complex carbohydrates.
3. Consume an anti-inflammatory diet –
Hypothyroidism affects the immune system, it also brings problems such as joint pain, and mental health issues. These problems can be managed and reduced by anti-inflammatory foods. Foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich sources of nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals such as selenium, potassium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. These nutrients are anti-inflammatory in nature and they regulate thyroid function.
4. Have small and frequent meals –
Digesting food is a task for your body, digestion uses energy for the process and it releases energy too. Digestion or moreover metabolism slows down in Hypothyroidism. So having small and frequent meals can be easier to digest and also helps in improving metabolism. It also helps in maintaining constant blood sugar levels.
5. Get moving –
Exercising regularly is one of the most common suggestions we have come across. If you are doubting the significance of exercise in hypothyroidism, please know, that working out regularly has shown to improve hormonal balance. It also contributes to relieving stress and boosting mood. This can help in boosting metabolism and ultimately with weight management. Try to spare a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes for exercise at least 4 times a week.
6. Get enough sleep –
While we talk about various diet types and work out regularly, we should not forget about giving our bodies adequate rest. A good night’s sleep goes a long way when it comes to weight management. Inadequate sleep can result in hormonal imbalance. It also slows down metabolism. It is important to get a good night’s sleep of a minimum of 7-8 hours
Hypothyroidism brings down the metabolism and that can create a hindrance in your progress in terms of weight management.
To help you manage Hypothyroidism and control weight, try andMe’s ThyroDiet, Thyroid Tea. andMe Thyrodiet tea, helps in better functioning of Thyroid glands. This tasty Thyroid Tea provides the right nutrition to help Thyroid gland naturally produce required levels of T3/T4 (thyroid hormones) in the body. Helps in weight loss.