
Importance of Thyroid Health

[article] With approximately 42 million thyroid patients, India bears a massive burden of thyroid illness, and mostly it is seen as a hereditary disease in families. One out of three...

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Overactive Thyroid? Include these 5 foods in your diet!

[article] Thyroid gland is an important part of your endocrine system. Located in the front portion of the neck, this gland utilizes the iodine supplied by your diet to produce...

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[article]   The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in the throat. It is a small gland weighing around 20 to 60 grams and you cannot feel it when it...

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6 Foods to avoid if you have thyroid

[article] We are all well aware of how our diet plays an important role in how we look, both physically and mentally. It is our diet that decides our health...

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What is Thyroid?

[article] ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THYROID Thyroid Gland and The Messengers What is the thyroid gland? Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped sponge that is inside your neck....

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