
Biotin-Enriched Food for Your Summer Haircare

[article] There's nothing like summer—the beach days, the Pina Coladas, and the long, sweaty days in the sun. But with all that good stuff comes the frizz, the sweat-induced bedhead,...

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How Much Biotin Is Good For You

[article] You might have already come across shampoos and oils which are infused with the goodness of biotin! But do you know what biotin is and what all it can...

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Healthy Habits For Good Hair

[article] Hairfall is a dreaded concern for almost every woman's health. Especially after 40, women start facing hair problems, and by the age of 50, the issues worsen. Everyone seems...

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Essential nutrition for healthy hair and scalp

[article] You may think your hair and scalp looks fine the way it is, but often, haircare is among the most overlooked aspects of wellness that people don't realize its importance of. You can...

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Ayurvedic hair care for winters

[article] Winter is the most-awaited holiday season of the year filled with cheer and festivities. But don't you wish our hair could share the same enthusiasm? Dry tresses during winters...

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