UTIs During Pregnancy: Causes Symptoms and Home Remedies
UTI is one of the most raised concerns for every woman's health. A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract which includes the kidneys, bladder and urethra. UTIs are common in women during their childbearing years but can occur at any age. When you have a UTI, bacteria from your bowel or vagina can travel up the urethra to the bladder and cause an infection. This is most often caused by E. coli bacteria, which live in your intestines and genital area. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are women's most common bacterial infections. About half of all women will have at least one UTI in their lifetime, and up to 40% will have more than one.
Why do pregnant women suffer from UTIs?
Sex can trigger UTI bacteria, especially when you are not using any protection. A woman's urethra is much shorter than a man's. That is why the UTI bacteria can quickly enter that space. While having sex, the friction and pressure can push the UTI bacteria towards the urethra. Also, sometimes it depends on your partner's hygiene. For example, while planning a baby, we don't use any birth control tool, and if your partner is not well aware of his intimate hygiene, it can lead to UTIs. In addition, pregnancy can cause changes in your immune system, making it easier for you to get a bladder infection. A bladder infection can also lead to a kidney infection. While there's no way to block UTI completely, you can lower your risk by drinking plenty of fluids and frequent peeing, both of which flush bacteria out of your urinary tract. Other pregnancy causes include Escherichia coli and other bacteria released from your poop.
Can UTI affect your baby?
Kidney infections during pregnancy are rare, and symptoms of UTI in pregnant women are generally milder than those in non-pregnant women. However, the untreated infection may cause more severe problems for the mom and baby. For example, blood condition is more common, developing more rapidly in pregnant than non-pregnant females; preterm delivery can be triggered by infection; and pneumonia, caused by lung tissue inflammation, is also more likely to occur in pregnant women with a UTI. In addition, the presence of UTI should prompt health care providers to have a high index of suspicion for other complications (e.g., sepsis, pleural effusion) that require an aggressive response, including broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluid replacement therapies and hospitalization.
Symptoms of UTI:
- ‣ Pain or discomfort while urinating
- ‣ Frequent urination
- ‣ Blood or mucus discharge while urinating
- ‣ Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
- ‣ Feeling pain in sexual intercourse
- ‣ Having chills, fever, back pain, and nausea
- ‣ Change in the amount of urine
- ‣ Foul smell or yellow colour in urine
- ‣ Pain or pressure in the bladder area
- ‣ Try to have adequate water.
- ‣ Vaginal care is essential.
- ‣ Don't douche your vagina; instead, wash with normal water.
- ‣ Empty your bladder before and after sex.
- ‣ Drink anti-inflammatory food.
- ‣ Avoid spicy food and citrus fruits.
- ‣ Don't hold your pee for a long time.
- ‣ Try to wipe from front to back.
- ‣ Wear cotton underwear.
Also, you can have some natural supplements like andMe's unsweetened and herbal UTI drink to prevent and cure. Along with cranberry, this juice consists of Ayurvedic goodness and helps you flush the UTI toxins.
Food remedies of UTI:
1. Drink plenty of fluids: If you tend to get UTIs, drinking plenty of water may help by diluting your urine and allowing it to be flushed through more quickly. This helps prevent bacteria from multiplying in your bladder. In addition to water, you can also drink unsweetened cranberry juice and other cranberry products, which may help prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to the walls of your urinary tract — a leading cause of UTI.
Berries: You may be able to reduce your chance of developing a UTI by consuming cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They contain proanthocyanidin, which has been shown to prevent infection-causing bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract lining. Other studies show that drinking plenty of water and emptying your bladder regularly can also help.
Probiotic-rich food: Infections of the urinary tract (UTIs) are relatively common and lead to additional health complications. Try incorporating foods like plain Greek yoghurt, pickles, and sauerkraut into your diet since they contain good bacteria that can help combat UTI infection.
High-fibre food: Eating a high-fibre diet, drinking plenty of fluids and keeping physically active can decrease the risk for recurring urinary tract infections. A healthy diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight, which will eventually reduce the stress on both your bladder and your urethra, two major entry points for UTI-causing bacteria.
Salmon: Cold-water fish, such as salmon and halibut, contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. Fish oil supplements are another excellent alternative for individuals who don't eat fish; always consult your doctor before taking any supplements if you have a medical condition or take current prescription medications.