Sports nutrition – beyond everyday fitness, this is about nutrition for athletes.

As athletes are much more active than others and hence their body uses way more nutrients than the usual quantity. Hence, you need to replenish the nutrition store regularly. Their intake of macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) is different from normal people’s.
Eat right regularly
It is important for athletes to follow a balanced diet plan that includes a nutrient-rich breakfast, a great lunch, and dinner!

You can limit your salt and fat intake and blend in more proteins and carbohydrates. They all work together to ensure constant energy and muscular support that gives your body the right and healthy fuel to your body! Additionally, it is advisable to watch out for candies, sodas and fried food.
Carbohydrate is critical!
Carbs are your fuel! Your body changes them into glucose (which is basically a form of sugar) and stores it in your muscles as glycogen. And when you exercise, your body further converts this glycogen into energy.
If you follow a fitness routine of up to 90 mins, then your body will anyway have enough glycogen, but if you are into high-intensity activities that last longer than 90 mins then you can consider having supplements for fitness enthusiasts.
Protein - not too much or too little!
Proteins plan an important role in a person’s body. You need protein to maintain your muscles.
An average person needs 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in a day. An active athlete should eat around 1.7 grams.
Intaking too much protein can also cause kidney problems. So, have it in a quantity that is good for your body.

Drink up that milk!
Milk is one of the best food in the world! It comprises various proteins and carbohydrates that can fulfill all your nutritional queries. It has both -whey protein and casein. This combination works perfectly for athletes.

Go easy on fats
Most athletes take all the fat by following a simple healthy diet plan. Try eating mostly unsaturated fat from foods such as nuts, avocados, olives, vegetable oils and so on!

Do all the athletes benefit from the same diet?
No, and yes. Well, it actually depends on what sport you play.
For example - an endurance athlete will need a completely different healthy meals plan that is very demanding than someone Who is more of an explosive, powerful, and strength type of athlete.
You can even manage your body's nutritional demands by including andMe's protein powders. They are made up of all the things that your body needs like vitamins, minerals, ayurvedic herbs, amino acids and so on! They are also good for managing women health and help in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, boosting energy, and weight management