Osteoporosis: How, why, when, everything!
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis literally means porous bones. It’s a medical condition with weakened bones and increased risk of fractures. Our bones are strongest at the age of 30 since then they start losing density and become porous.
How does it happen?
Osteoporosis can be attributed to multiple things. Menopause, heredity, a low-calcium diet, lack of exercise, and smoking are among the factors that contribute to causing osteoporosis.
How common is Osteoporosis?
One in two women over the age of 50 experience a painful fracture related to osteoporosis. Statistically, 55% of the people over the age of 50 are at the risk of osteoporosis.
Why is it prominent after menopause?
For women, the total bone mass peaks at the age of 25 to 30, after which the tide turns. While some bone loss occurs each your, it significantly increases in 5 to 10 years after menopause.
Since there is a significant reduction in Estrogen levels after menopause. Estrogen is important for digestion and absorption of calcium. Hence the bone is reduced and not much calcium for strengthening is available after menopause.
How can it be prevented?
Osteoporosis can be prevented by adding good amount of calcium in your diet. Weight-bearing exercises stimulate the bone developing cells. By increasing weight-bearing exercises, you encourage your body to form more bone. This can delay or even reverse the destructive process of osteoporosis that results in painful or debilitating fractures.
Does it happen to men as well?
Yes, it does, 2 million men over the age of 65 years are affected by osteoporosis. The onset and progress slower in men.
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