Learn How To Self-Examine Your Breasts In 2022
One of the most discussed concerns in women's care is breast-related issues. Breast examination is a technique used to assess the breast, which is the glandular and fibrous organ of the chest. The breast is composed of different tissues such as fat, glandular tissue, connective tissue and lymphatic tissue. A breast examination can reveal abnormalities that may be a sign of cancer. It can also help detect abnormal lumps or other changes in the shape and size of the breast. The test results depend on how thoroughly and carefully the physician performs the examination. In particular, a mammogram or ultrasound can detect lesions that are not visible during the physical exam. The test does not cause any severe discomfort, but some women may experience anxiety about having their breasts examined by a stranger. However, you should be informed about this part of your overall health care. Therefore, you should tell your doctor if you are uneasy about having your breasts examined by them.
Breast examination can help detect breast cancer early. The size and shape of your breasts may vary with your age, pregnancy, menopause and use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. The breast changes as hormone levels change throughout your menstrual cycle. Also, some women have small or large breasts naturally. These changes don't necessarily mean that there's something wrong or that you have breast cancer. The best time for a self-breast exam is just after your menstrual period when you're not pregnant and not taking hormonal supplements, like birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. It's also helpful to examine your breasts when they are warm from a bath or shower. The skin of your breasts will be softer and more relaxed then and easier to examine than when they are cold.
Self-examination is one of the best ways to detect breast cancer early. But how exactly do you do it? Experts agree that self-examination should be performed regularly, but no one knows for sure how often. This is because tumours grow at different rates — some quickly, others slowly. So the rate at which a tumour grows will determine the time between regular self-exams.
How to self-examine your breast?
Breast Self-examination can be done at any time of the month, but it is best to do the test simultaneously each month to gauge your body changes about your menstrual cycle.
Step 1: Start by looking for differences between your breasts. For example, look for changes such as puckering or dimpling of breast skin, redness, and soreness.
Step 2: Put your hands on your hips, pull your elbows forward and open up coat or jacket. This step allows you to see all parts of the breast while in a relaxed position.
Step 3: Use three fingers when examining your breasts. Examine one breast at a time using three fingers in a circular motion starting from the armpit towards the nipple but not touching it. It is essential not to press hard when examining your breast as this might cause discomfort and pain.
Step 4: Examine the areas surrounding the breast such as armpits, collarbone and abdomen for any swellings that may indicate underlying problems in these areas. All abnormalities found must be reported to a doctor immediately for further examination.
Sometimes, a few regular factors in our lives affect our physical health, like a healthy diet filled with a proper amount of nutrients. A properly panned also regulates the hormonal balances in women that helps to prevent a lot of complicated diseases.