How Stress Affects PCOS ?
PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a crucial phase that can affect any women's reproductive health. It is caused due to hormonal imbalances in a woman's body. Experts say that around 20% of women in India suffer from PCOS, which may arise if neglected. PCOS must be a common women's health problem now, but the management could be tricky. However, there are a few lifestyle changes that you can make to prevent or cure PCOS. Risk factors for PCOS include environment, genetics, unhealthy eating habits, weak immunity, and it may present with additional metabolic risks such as obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes.
Stress and PCOS:
When you are overthinking or taking too much stress, your body releases cortisol or the stress hormone. Women with PCOS are stressed with hormone fluctuations, obesity, irregular period cycle, male pattern balding, and extra body and facial hair. PCOS happens due to the excess secretion of androgen. The Cortisol or stress hormone is responsible for instigating the secretion of male hormones in your body. Cortisol is also responsible for:
- 1) Weakening the immune system
- 2) Increasing insulin resistance
- 3) Aggravating secretion of androgens or male sex hormones
- 4) Disturbing the secretion of LH, FSH, and prolactin.
PCOS is a common scenario in women's healthcare, where physical health and mental health are affected. Sometimes our muted expressions, fear, anxiety, anger, negativity can also increase the chances of having PCOS.

How to deal with it?
Sometimes women with PCOS certainly wish for a magic pill to stop PCOS. But, according to health experts, it is fortunate that no pills can cure this disorder. All you need to do is improve diet, focus on physical activity, managing mental health.
Here are self-care techniques to deal with mental health issues:
Exercise regularly-
Working out does not just help you be in a healthy weight range, but it also allows secret endorphins or happy hormones. These hormones alleviate your mood and are effective in reducing stress.

Practice Yoga-
Yoga has various techniques and ways to deal with stress; it is proven to reduce stress effectively and in the long run.
Indulge in some hobbies-
Indulging in hobbies helps you distract your mind. It enables you to get out of the vicious cycle of the same thoughts and negativity.

Practice journaling-
Maintaining a journal allows you to open up in a trusted and private space.
Watch your Caffeine intake-
Excessive caffeine consumption, meaning beyond 4-5 cups of coffee a day, might aggravate anxiety and stress.

Try supplements-
Avocados, Bananas, Pumpkin seeds are superfoods that help nourish your body, provide daily nutrition, and superfoods are also said to balance hormones.

To get a natural solution try out andMe's herbal PCOS drink. It is one of the best PCOS drinks with the goodness of herbs that reduce stress, acne, hair loss, overweight and, most importantly, help your body find a balance between hormones. We all know that good things take time to happen. This is also not an exception. You have to consume it for 3-6 months straight to get good results.