Everything that a Breastfeeding Mother should know
Being a new momma, you might be confused about choosing between breastfeeding or formula milk for the baby. If you can breastfeed, then you must go for it. Breastfeeding is not only the precious moment that you share with your newborn, but it has a lot of nutrients and antibodies. These vital nutrients protect the newborn from various diseases. Breastfeeding is a channel to connect with your baby. Both mother and baby come close to each other, and their bond becomes more robust.
Breastfeeding is not always an easy journey for every mother, especially a first-time mom. Post-pregnancy, breastfeeding is a challenging task requiring a little bit of patience, intelligent planning, and a firm resolution. Don’t be anxious! We are with you to make it through your initial days. We’ve picked Everything that a Breastfeeding Mother should know.
Benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby
Breastfeeding, or you can say lactation is good for the baby as well as for the mother. Let’s see how.
Benefits for baby:
- Colostrum, the mother’s first milk, is beneficial for the proper growth and functioning of the newborn’s digestive system. The yellow color milk is full of nutrients and antibodies.
- Breastfeeding blocks the following diseases in the newborn:
- Bacteremia
- Asthma
- Diarrhea/vomiting
- Respiratory tract infections
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Lymphoma, leukemia,
- Ear infections
- Childhood obesity
- Urinary tract infections
- Diabetes (Type 1 and type 2)
3. Breastfeeding helps in the development of the newborn’s jaw. It also promotes the growth of straight, healthy teeth.
4.Did you know how vital skin-to-skin contact is during breastfeeding? Physical closeness gives a sense of comfort and security to your baby.
Benefits for Mother:
- If you are breastfeeding your baby, you don’t need to worry about sterilizing bottle nipples and formula milk.
- Breastfeeding lessens the chance of type 2 diabetes, specific types of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer in breastfeeding mothers.
- To your surprise, breastfeeding helps to reduce postpartum bleeding.
- It also supports the uterus to get back to its pre-pregnancy position more promptly.
- Physical closeness with newborns increases oxytocin production and helps keep the mother relaxed, and enhances the flow of breast milk.
What new mothers should know about breastfeeding
There are a lot of things that mothers should know about breastfeeding. It will help them to adapt to the situation quickly. Here are the things mothers should know:
Breastfeeding may not be the same you have expected.
The first-time breastfeeding may not be a magical moment, especially for a first-time mom. Both mother and baby are learning something new. Please remember that your breasts and nipples aren’t used to regular sucking by a tiny infant. Also, your initial days of breastfeeding may not be fantastic. But the good thing is that it gets better after some time.
Take the help of Lactation Consultants.
Most of the women are not knowledgeable about Lactation Consultants. Lactation Consultants help to pass this phase smoothly. They can describe the importance of a proper latch. Also, provide you with suggestions for making breastfeeding more comfortable.
You can experience cramps.
You may experience cramps while breastfeeding a newborn shortly after giving birth. Do you know why? No? Let us explain it to you. When you breastfeed your baby, your brain produces the oxytocin hormone. It supports your uterus getting back to its pre-pregnancy shape and size. And you experience menstrual-like cramps.
You can feel more hungry and dehydrated.
Breastfeeding is not an easy job to do. It takes a lot of energy and consumes around 300-500 calories in a day in the initial months. That is why you feel more hungry and thirsty.
Uneven supply of milk is not a thing to worry about.
Everybody is different from each other. So it is pretty natural if breastfeeding moms talk about an uneven supply of milk. If your baby’s milk requirement is satisfied, there is no need to think about it. You cannot do much about an irregular supply of milk. If you have some discomfort, then you can try various ways to reduce soreness.
If you need to stop it, don’t feel guilty.
Never feel guilty if you have to stop breastfeeding for any reason. It’s okay if you cannot continue your breastfeeding journey for long. Every single drop of breastfeeding milk is like magic for your newborn.
Using a pump for breastmilk is not bad at all.
Whether you are employed or stay at home, you can use a pump to collect breast milk. A breast pump helps to provide milk to the baby if you are not close. Along with this, you will get a little break from the constant latching.
Don’t worry if milk doesn’t come right after birth.
You cannot get the supply of milk right after birth. After the baby’s birth, your body will start making a small amount of yellow milk, colostrum. Also, your baby needs this yellow milk to feel full until your mature milk comes in.
Tips for breastfeeding mother
New breastfeeding mothers can find this period difficult. But the following tips can help to handle the situation calmly.
- Try to predict your baby’s needs. They might give some signs like open and close their mouth, suck on whatever is close by, etc.
- Let your baby determine when and how long to breastfeed. Baby understands their needs better than you.
- While breastfeeding the baby, don’t be impatient. Hold the baby in a comfortable position. If you change the resting position of the baby quickly, it can make them uncomfortable.
- If milk leaked from your breast in the initial weeks of breastfeeding, then no need to worry. It is common.
- Keep yourself hydrated because breast milk contains a large amount of water. Regular breastfeeding causes dehydration also.
Above, it was all about breastfeeding, but you need to take care of your health post-pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In today’s time, women’s health needs attention. Did you know that andme has a fantastic product for lactating mothers? Yes, you read it right. andMe Lactation Booster encourages your lactation and immunity.
andMe Lactation booster improves milk quality and infant health. And multivitamin combo fulfills the mother’s nutritional needs.
Remember, breastfeeding is always a personal choice. Choose what is most suitable for you and your baby.