Different Types of Menstrual Disorders
[article]Menstrual problems are things relating to the regular menstrual cycle of a woman. They are among the most common reasons women visit their gynaecologist. Menstrual disorders and their symptoms may disturb the daily lives of a woman. They can affect her ability to get pregnant, too.
Sometimes the most common women’s health issues are-
1)Premenstrual Syndrome
PMS is any uneasy or uncomfortable symptom during your cycle, which can temporarily disturb normal functioning. These symptoms can be for a few hours to many days, and symptom types and intensity may vary among individuals. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a more severe type of PMS that affects about 3% -8% of reproductive-age women. PMDD requires medical treatment. Nearly 85 percent of women report at least one specific symptom associated with PMS during their reproductive years.
Amenorrhea is characterized by menstrual periods that are absent for more than three menstrual cycles per month. Two forms of amenorrhea exist:
-Primary amenorrhea: If menstruation does not begin at puberty
-Secondary amenorrhea: If regular and average menstrual periods that are becoming increasingly abnormal and irregular or absent. This can usually be attributed to a later on starting natural source.
Amenorrhea may occur as part of the ordinary course of life, for a variety of reasons, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. Or it may be due to medicine or a medical condition. If you miss at least three consecutive menstrual cycles or if you have never had a menstrual cycle and are 16 years of age or older, you will have to see a healthcare professional.
It is characterized by severe and frequent menstrual cramps and menstrual pain. The cause of dysmenorrhea depends on whether the disorder is secondary or primary. Women experience abnormal uterine contractions with primary dysmenorrheal arising from a chemical imbalance in the body. Other medical conditions cause secondary dysmenorrhea, most often endometriosis
It is the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding and is characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and prolongation. In some cases, bleeding can be so severe that there is a disruption to daily activities. Other types of this condition may include:
-Polymenorrhea: Too frequent menstruation, also called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.-Oligomenorrhea: Menstrual periods that are not regular or mild
-Metrorrhagia: any frequent, non-menstrual bleeding occurring during menstrual cycles Postmenopausal bleeding: any bleeding occurring during menopause more than one year after the last usual menstrual cycle.
Women's health problems with the period have to be treated and may depend on any underlying cause, the woman's desire to conceive, and other factors. Treatment choices vary from changes in lifestyle to medical treatments to surgery, including:
Changes in diet - To alleviate cramping and other symptoms, such as reducing salt, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol consumption during a woman's period.
Health counselling - Hormonal contraceptives are pain relievers to help minimize heavy bleeding and control, minimize, or even remove menstrual cycles.
Occupational therapy - a minimally invasive approach to assessing and treating areas of concern within the uterus using hysteroscopy
-Via laparoscopy, using a scope placed into small incisions in the abdomen by conventional abdominal techniques
-Procedures including endometrial ablation, which removes the uterus lining to avoid periods, and hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus.