Can you get pregnant during periods? -Know the Real Facts
Most women think that pregnancy does not happen during periods. But is this true? Often couples feel that it is safe to have sex during periods because it cannot lead to pregnancy. However, this is not always true.
The doctors believe that pregnancy is likely to happen during periods. However, your chances of getting pregnant are low but not zero.
Now you must be thinking that how can this happen? To understand it, you need to learn about periods and ovulation timing. So, here's something you must read to know more about period sex & pregnancy.

Usually, periods come once a month. Due to the hormonal changes, there is an outflow of blood from the uterus and the internal part. The period is also known as menstruation or menstrual cycle.
The beginning of the menstruation cycle depends on a girl's genes, food, style of work, where she lives, the height of that place, etc. This cycle usually lasts for 28 to 35 days.
Menstruation lasts for 3 to 5 days for some girls or women, while for some, it's 2 to 7 days.

Fertility window
The fertility window is the most fertile time of your cycle, and there are many chances to get pregnant during this period. It is the time when you release an egg, most probably halfway between periods.
For instance, for girls or women who have a regular 28-day menstruation cycle, then day one would be the first day of their period. Then, they would ovulate around Day fourteen.

How does Ovulation work?
Ovulation occurs once a month when an egg is released from one of your ovaries. In some rare cases, more than one egg comes out. However, it usually happens within a few days when the first egg is released.
At this time, changes also occur in your womb and cervix (the part of the womb that leads to the vagina) that helps you get pregnant. The womb's lining thickens to hold the fertilized egg and the cervical mucus becomes thinner, which allows the sperm to swim effortlessly.
The eggs slowly travel down a tube towards your womb. It is known as the fallopian tube. If it meets the sperm, it can lead to reproduction. And then get implanted in the thick layer of the womb.
When the egg doesn't meet sperm, it comes out of the body through the vagina and the lining of your womb during your period.

Can you get pregnant during periods?
If you have unprotected sex without contraception, you can get pregnant at any time of your cycle. In other words, there is no time when you have no chance of getting pregnant – even if you are on your period.
The first day of your period is calculated from the day you start your period. This cycle continues until the first day of your second period begins. You have more chances to become pregnant when eggs are released from your ovaries during ovulation. It usually starts in the middle of the cycle, i.e. 12-14 days before your next period.
Therefore, if you have period sex, your chances of getting pregnant are less because the eggs are not released. However, it is possible because sperm can survive in the body for up to 7 days. So if you ovulate early in your cycle, you can get pregnant. Also, some people naturally have shorter cycles.

What if you don't want to get pregnant?
Some people try to avoid pregnancy by studying their menstrual cycle. But it is difficult to know when ovulation occurs, and it can change every month. As a result, there is a possibility of getting pregnant at any time during the cycle.
If you want to avoid pregnancy, contraception during sex is an effective method. Use condoms that will not only protect you from pregnancy but also sexually transmitted infections.
There are many other long-acting, reversible methods of contraception, including injection, implant, and intrauterine systems. An IUD is a tiny plastic or copper equipment that fits into your womb. It prevents the sperm from reaching and the fertile egg from entering the lining of the womb.
Finally, there is also emergency contraception, which is used after unprotected sex or after other methods of contraception have not worked.
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