Winter Skin Care Tips
Winter is here and so are a new set of winter skin care problems. Nobody wants a dry, flaky, itchy and irritated skin.
If you dread the winter season because of what it does to your skin, this article is for you. It will tell you about different skin problems, how to cure them and most importantly- how to stop them from happening.
First, here are some tips to prevent dry skin care problems –
The root of all winter problems is dry skin which can easily be cured at home
- Use natural moisturizers like coconut oil, almond oil etc. they will not only prevent dryness but also do wonders for your other skin problems
- You can also use good quality moisturizers available in the market according to your skin type- but make sure to research well about them
- Don’t take a very hot bath- it strips natural oils from your skin, try taking bath with lukewarm water
- Stay hydrated. Cannot stress this enough.
- Spend at least 10mins before your bedtime moisturizing your skin and massaging it to wake up to a naturally glowing skin
- Itchy and dry nostrils
A dry and itchy nose is one of the most irritating winter problems.
Use these home remedies to prevent yourself from the discomfort of a dry and irritated nose.
- Keep your body hydrated & keep sugary beverages aside that can further cause dryness in the nose.
- Take a steaming hot bath, but not for too long because that will again increase the chances of dryness
- If it’s too irritating, you may get some relief from the over-the-counter saline nasal spray or drops.
- Use a humidifier that keeps up the moisture content of your room.
- Use a water-based moisturizer on both the nostrils when you feel dryness.
- You can use petroleum jelly to prevent dryness but at the same time make sure it doesn’t go to your lungs.
2. Chapped Lips

Anyone can get chapped lips if they have dry skin. However, the possibilities increase if you’re taking vitamin A supplements, retinoids, lithium, or chemotherapy drugs.
You can easily prevent chapped lips-
- apply lip balm or glycerin throughout the day.
- Drink a lot of water and keep a humidifier at home.
- Apply a lip balm with SPF while going out.
3. Chafing

When the winter air is dry, the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin is subjected to repetitive friction( rubbing of thighs), leading to damage and exposure of the lower dermis layer. When dermis gets exposed, the skin feels irritated and uncomfortable. This is known as chafing.
You have to take extra care of the area that is chafed-
- Keep the area clean by taking shower once a day at least in warm water. Use soap to clean the area to reduce the risk of any bacterial infection.
- Pat dry the area after washing. Ensure no water is left on skin.
- Apply a moisturizer and massage smoothly to help the moisturizer get absorbed.
- It is also a good idea to apply a barrier cream or a medicated powder to help the skin heal faster.
4. Shaving Cuts

In winters due to extra dryness our skin becomes more perceptible to cuts and nicks while shaving. You can do the following to prevent cuts during shaving
- Instead of using water or normal soap, try using a moisturizing foam while shaving.
- You can add a pinch of your regular conditioner to your shaving cream. This will help to soothe dry skin
5. Dry & Itchy Patches
Dry and itchy patches are very painful and irritating to say the least. The most common symptoms of dry and itchy skin are scales, redness, itching with small cracks in the skin.You can cure and prevent dry itchy skin with minor lifestyle changes.
- Use a rich moisturizer.
- Bath in lukewarm water.
- Moisturise your skin before going to bed at night.
- Switch to a moisturizing soap instead of harsh ones.
- Pat dry after a bath and then apply moisturizer when the skin is still a bit wet.
- If itchiness still persists, consult a dermatologist to get a topical lotion to cure it.
6. Cracked Heels

The most common problem among women-cracked heels are not that difficult to get rid of with some proper care.
- Gel socks or wearing socks with medicated cream can help your heels to stay moisturized at all times.
- Use a loofah or pumice stone to gently scrub off the dead cells from the cracked heels.
- Use rich foot creams, butter, natural oils, or moisturizer before going to bed.
7. Eyebrows Itch and Flake

Itchy and flaky eyebrows are mainly due to a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. Although the exact cause is not known, seborrheic dermatitis worsens in winter.
- Use an anti-itch cream that can help to reduce the itchiness around the eyebrows.
- Keep the eyebrows moisturized at all times
- You may apply cool compress for 15-30 minutes to get some relief from the itchiness.
- Antihistamine medicines can also give you relief from the itchiness.
8. UV Damage

UVB rays are the main cause of sunburn, especially on high altitudes and on reflective surfaces like snow. The best way to stay protected from UV damage is by covering up all the exposed parts of the body.
- Use face covering sunglasses while going out in the snow.
- Use a strong sunscreen with UVB protection and make sure to have an extra layer of moisturizer
- Use things like a hat or a scarf to keep you warm while protecting your face from the UV rays.
9. Winter Rash
When the skin gets exposed to too much cold air, it loses its natural moisture and oil, leaving the skin dry and irritated. If left untreated, it can also cause redness and we want to help you prevent that from happening using some home remedies-.
- Apply a lot of moisturizers all over the skin to soothe it.
- Apply natural oils like coconut oil and almond oil to lock the natural hydration of the skin.
- Use a humidifier to keep your surrounding air at home humid.
- Reach out to your dermatologist if irritation persists for a topical cream
Final Advice
Extreme dry and dehydrated skin is normal in winter. It brings in a plethora of skin problems like rashes, itching, redness, cracks, flaky skin, etc. Don’t freak out about these problems, if you follow the aforementioned tips religiously- you can easily get rid of them. Stay hydrated & stay warm.
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