Why Protein Is Important for Women?
Only making your hunger quiet isn’t requisite action if you are really thinking of having healthy body.
Though most of the people knows balanced diet yet people don’t take sufficient amount of nutrients.
What is Balanced diet?

A diet containing proper amount of required nutrients for growth and development of body. The balanced diet contains 6 vital nutrients; Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
Protein is long chain of amino acids which helps in body building. Cells, tissues, muscles, enzymes, hormones, antibodies and lot more in body are built and regulated properly because of protein level in present in body.
Why protein is more important for women?
Protein is particularly more important for women because women have peculiar body with so many of changes both internally and externally.
There are some marked phases in women growth in all her different life phases. Since intrauterine life only development begins which appears in puberty as menstruation.
And then in some women complication arises like PCOS/ PCOD, due to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance causes series of changes like
- ovarian cancer
- hormone replacement or birth control medications
- early menopause
- endocrine gland cancer
- any genetic abnormality
During span of rapid growth or increased demand, such childhood, adolescence, followed by puberty and then pregnancy followed by breastfeeding, later on due to menopause there occurs osteoporosis, which is a bone weakening condition.
What protein does in body?
- Protein assists in each and every developmental step occurring in body.
- It helps in hair growth, strengthens hair and repairs hair structure from within the follicle.
- It also helps in growth of other cells too, and so makes healthy skin by maintaining its strength and elasticity. If the protein level reduces then there occur wrinkles which is accompanied by aging.
- It helps in forming bone density
- It provides energy and increases stamina of one’s body.
- It enhances the immunity of body
- It helps in hormonal balance and weight management
- It maintains better metabolism
What food women should intake to avoid protein deficiency?

If you are non-vegetarian then take eggs, fish and other meat
Otherwise, there is variety of dal, milk products like cheese, yoghurt, or product made from soyabean like tofu, and also nuts, almonds
And still if your body is unable to maintain the normal level of protein then no worries !!!
- Bone stronger
- Wrinkle free and healthy skin
- Increases hair strength
- Hormonal balance
- Controls BMI and so manages weight